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First Africans in Puerto Rico
Slave transport in Africa, depicted in a 19th-century engraving
When Ponce de León and the Spaniards arrived on the island of "Borinken" (Puerto Rico), they were greeted by the Cacique Agüeybaná, the supreme leader of the peaceful Taíno tribes on the island. Agüeybaná helped to maintain the peace between the Taínos and the Spaniards. According to historian Ricardo Alegria, the first free black man set foot on the island in 1509. He was Juan Garrido, a conquistador who belonged to Juan Ponce de León's entourage. Garrido was born on the West African coast, the son of an African King. In 1508, he joined Juan Ponce de Leon to explore Puerto Rico and prospect for gold, and in 1511, he fought under Ponce de Leon to repress the Caribs and the Tainos who had joined forces in Puerto Rico in a great revolt against the Spaniards.[1] Garrido went on to join Hernan Cortes in the Spanish conquest of Mexico.[2] Another free black man who accompanied de León was Pedro Mejías. Mejías married a Taíno woman chief (a cacica) by the name of Yuisa. Yuisa was baptized Luisa (hence the name of the town of Loíza) so that she could marry Mejías.[3] [4]
The peace between the Spaniards and the Taínos was short-lived. The Spaniards took advantage of the Taínos' good faith and enslaved them, forcing them to work in the gold mines and in the construction of forts. Many Taínos died as a result either of the cruel treatment that they had received or of smallpox which became epidemic on the island. Other Taínos committed suicide or left the island after the failed Taíno revolt of 1511.[5]
Shackles used on slaves in Puerto Rico
Friar Bartolomé de las Casas, who had accompanied Ponce de León, was outraged at the treatment by the Spaniards of the Taínos and, in 1512, protested in front of the council of Burgos at the Spanish Courts. He fought for the freedom of the natives and was able to secure their rights. The Spanish colonists, fearing the loss of their labor force, also protested before the courts. They complained that they needed manpower to work in the mines, the fortifications and the thriving sugar industry. As an alternative, Las Casas suggested the importation and use of black slaves. In 1517, the Spanish Crown permitted its subjects to import twelve slaves each, thereby beginning the slave trade in their colonies.[6]
According to historian Luis M. Diaz, the largest contingent of African slaves came from the Gold Coast, Nigeria, and Dahomey, and the region known as the area of Guineas, the Slave Coast. However, the vast majority were Yorubas and Igbos, ethnic groups from Nigeria, and Bantus from the Guineas. The number of slaves in Puerto Rico rose from 1,500 in 1530 to 15,000 by 1555. The slaves were stamped with a hot iron on the forehead, a branding which meant that they were brought to the country legally and prevented their kidnapping.[4]
African slaves were sent to work in the gold mines to replace the lost Taino manpower, or to work in the fields in the island's ginger and sugar industry. They were allowed to live with their families in a bohio (hut) on the master's land, and were given a patch of land where they could plant and grow vegetables and fruits. Blacks had little or no opportunity for advancement and faced discrimination from the Spaniards. Slaves were educated by their masters and soon learned to speak the master's language, educating their own children in the new language. They enriched the "Puerto Rican Spanish" language by adding words of their own. The Spaniards considered the blacks superior to the Taínos, since the Taínos were unwilling to assimilate. The slaves, in contrast, had no choice but to convert to Christianity; they were baptized by the Catholic Church and assumed the surnames of their masters. Many slaves were subject to harsh treatment, at times including rape. The majority of the Conquistadors and farmers who settled the island had arrived without women, and many of them intermarried with the blacks or Tainos. This mixture formed the basis of the early Puerto Rican population.[4]
Subtitle: In NEWS1675, we revealed that one of the psychological devices priests used to get their female penitents to have sex with them was the threat to lie to the "Holy" Inquisition, so the woman would be torturously murdered. Since history books have been largely rewritten, few people know specific details of this murderous campaign that lasted over 1,200 years, killing 75 million people. But, once you understand the unprecedented horrors of the Inquisition, you will never look at Roman Catholicism the same way again.
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!
Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!
Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.
The Roman Catholic Inquisition was one of the greatest disasters ever to befall mankind. In the name of Jesus Christ, Catholic priests mounted an enormous effort to kill all "heretics" in Europe and Britain. Heretics is defined whichever way Rome wanted it defined; it ranged from people who disagreed with official policy, to Hermetic Philosophers [Black Magick Practitioners], to Jews, to Witches, and to the Protestant reformers.
Slaughtering one's enemies is clearly rotten spiritual fruit. During the early part of His ministry, Jesus was approached by two of His disciples -- James and John -- who had just returned from preaching the Gospel message throughout parts of Israel. These two disciples were upset, for some entire towns had refused to even hear their message; they asked the Lord:
"Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?" [Luke 9:54]
Jesus was horrified. He replied:
"You do not know of what sort of spirit you are, for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them from the penalty of eternal death." [Luke 9:55-56; Parallel KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
Let us repeat that most pertinent phrase: "the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives".
Nowhere in Holy Scripture did Jesus ever slaughter anyone who disagreed with him, nor did He ever advocate any of his followers doing so. Neither does any Apostle give this command to the Church later in the New Testament.
In another passage, Jesus reveals the kind of sweet spirit He is introducing to the world. Listen:
"Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease, refreshment, recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls. For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good -- not harsh, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant) and My burden is light and easy to be borne." [Matthew 11:29-30; Parallel KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]
Our precious Savior never ordered anyone to be slaughtered for any reason, especially for hardness of heart against His message, nor for disagreeing with Him on spiritual matters. But -- and this is a very big 'but' -- pagans regularly move to slaughter their opponents, usually with great relish and hardness of heart. In such slaughters, murder is not enough; rather, before the victim dies, pagans absolutely relish inflicting maximum pain upon their victims. White and Black Magick practitioners believe that the pain inflicted before death transfers great occult power to them, so they try to draw out a person's death as long as possible, inflicting the greatest amount of pain possible before death comes. Skilled Inquisition executioners would bring a victim to the point of death many times, only to stop the torture so the victim could revive, so they could be tortured again.
Therefore, the monstrosity of the Inquisition stands before mankind as the ultimate evidence of the inherent Satanism of the Roman Catholic Church. For those who have the courage to examine this ultimate "rotten fruit", they will see the truth of the Catholic Church. And do not think Rome has changed, for the Bible tells us that a Leopard does not change its spots [Jeremiah 13:23], and Rome is always bragging that she never changes. A concrete proof of this fact is that Pope Paul VI (1963-1978) restored the Office of the Inquisition, renamed today as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ["Lives of the Popes", by Richard P. McBrien, HarperSanFrancisco, 1997, p. 282, 354]. Today, this nefarious Office of the Inquisition is headed by Cardinal Ratzinger.
Why would Pope Paul VI reinstate the Office of the Inquisition unless he knew it would soon be needed again? With all prophecies of the appearance of Antichrist coming true together, just as Jesus mandated [Matthew 24:32-34], the time must have appeared right for Paul VI to reinstate this bloody office, for even though the original Inquisition killed tens of millions in 1,200 years, prophecy tells us that the False Prophet will kill billions in 3 1/2 years! Since the Roman Catholic Pope was chosen as the future False Prophet [Read NEWS1052 and NEWS1285], it makes sense that the Office of Inquisition be reinstated.
Freedom of Religion?
The founding fathers of America who fled from Europe because of religious persecution, in trying to prevent the same persecution from taking place in this country, wrote protective laws to protect the rights and freedom of religion. But as Prophecy and history show, the popes and Protestants, zealous for their god and mentally fanatical, not only changed Yahweh's Laws, that is, the Laws of your bible, but the laws of religious worship as well.
To Kill A Religion You must Insinuate Evil Is Being Done By Them
One of the stories found in the history of the crusades is as follows. Remember as you read it that at that time period there was no such thing as radio or television. So the news was spread from person to person by word of mouth. The tale started as a rumor and was told by a group of loyalist Catholics each day until the outrage against a certain group was achieved.
The Missing 12-Year-Old Girl
First the news went out that a 12-year-old girl was missing, even a description of her was given. Some likable facts about the girl were made up to form a personal relation with the child in the minds of those who were being persuaded to build the hatred. Lastly, the site where the girl was last seen was given, which was near a community of Jews that the church wanted wiped out.
In the days to come, blood was added to the story. As the tale went, this community was seen trying to clean up blood and they seemed nervous when they were caught trying to get rid of the evidence. It was being placed in the haters' minds that a murder or something more had occurred.
As the tale grew from day to day, so did the hatred until murder was wanted by all who heard the stories of this kidnapped child. Of course, there never was a kidnapped child. There never was a missing girl. The family, who supposedly lost their 12-year-old daughter, was only passing through, traveling by horse and wagon. They could not stay but left word that they would give reward to those helping to find her.
There was never a family. It was all propaganda to build hatred for a religious group of people called Jews. They were no threat to society but were made to believe that they were. They were only a threat to the Catholic church because they were growing and they were joined by many of the local Catholics.
Soon the hatred for this group was enough that the locals, after a public meeting one evening, took axes, hoes, shovels, and picks, anything that could be used as a weapon and went into that village of Jews, killing men, women and children, all in the name of Jesus.
Witch Hunts, Though Not Called Witch Hunts Today,Have Much In Common With The Persecution Of Religions Today
A call came into an official's phone making an accusation. A 15-year-old girl is said to be pregnant by some man in a religious group that practices Laws written in the bible, which Catholics don't practice. The hatred has already been instigated by the local news media that is owned by someone who thinks he's doing his god an honor by carrying slanderous tales about this group of religious zealots who don't conform to the breaking of biblical Laws.
Soon the freedom of religion is being beat down with gun toting and club toting police officers. People are being arrested, women and children. Foster homes are being asked to receive the children for a certain amount of money, of course—a big amount of money.
The children are forced to eat things that the Scriptures teach against. They are forced to get immunization shots that they don't need because their religion endorses healthy living. Overall, their religion, as taught by their minister and parents as commanded by their bible, is killed as sure as if it were shot with a gun.Deuteronomy 6:25—And it will be our Righteousness, if we observe to do all of these Laws before Yahweh our Father, as He has commanded us.
Their minister and parents were made to look like criminals. The lawyers and news media made statements to lead people into believing lies. "Yes, you have freedom of religion, but you don't have freedom to rape little children." With this statement, the thought is placed in the hearers' minds that this religious group is raping little children. Thousands of people who hear the news actually believe these lies and many others that were said or insinuated in the same manner.
Once a lie like this is told, the mind of the hearer never follows up on the story to prove it to be true or false accusations. The hearers' are still spreading these lies even when the people are acquitted of any crimes. Propaganda is worse today because it goes easily to every home by television news that the mainstream religion, or Catholic church, owns.
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